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Meet Team TCS...
Each week we will be meeting a member of the TCS team who will share their personal experience and thoughts on how they are adapting to the ever changing working environment during the ongoing COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation.

Edward Ziff OBE DL – Chairman & Chief Executive

1. Tell us about your role at TCS/CitiPark
I am Chairman and CEO. of Town Centre Securities. Both roles are ones that I cherish everyday.My father was the only other Chairman of the company and held that role until he died in July 2004. After nearly sixteen years in the role I realise more and more what an amazing job he did in creating and developing TCS.
2. How long have you been with the business?
It’s almost too long ago to remember… Summer of 1981…
3. What does your typical day look like since moving to work from home?
Routine is really important to me. Since working from home I have got back into saying my morning prayers every day, go in the gym and then head to my home office. I try and keep in touch with our team so have a zoom call 2 mornings each week. I think it’s good for morale, particularly you own.
We have a Board call every Tuesday and I have a call with our Non Execs to catch up on a Friday with how the week has gone. The team have been really supportive and our Non Execs have been sensational during lockdown. My days tend to be filled with calls to all our stakeholders.
I also Chair Leeds Cares. This is the Charity Partner of the Leeds NHS Trust. I really love the work they do. My wife and I fell in love with the NHS when our youngest son Jacob was diagnosed with Leukaemia in May 2011. He is now fully recovered. I do this job as a thank you for that. I speak to the CEO about 3 times a week and the Chair and CEO of the NHS Trust most weeks. The charity is focussed on helping improve and add to patient experience and the work they do is inspirational.
I like to have lunch with my wife Dee each day and I work till about 7:00 pm most days. After dinner we take the dog for a walk with the part of the family who are here in Leeds for lockdown, which is a lovely way to wind down. Now the weather has improved and some lockdown rules have been relaxed, I am hoping to start playing golf again.
4. What has been the biggest challenge of your new working set-up?
The biggest challenge is to not fill every waking hour with work. I try very hard at the weekend to keep away from work, I particularly try not to do emails on Saturday. It is important to differentiate between workdays and weekends.
5. What positives can be taken from your current working situation?
I have been amazed by how together our team have been over the last 11 weeks since we started working from home. I am delighted with the way everyone has helped each other through these difficult times and it has been an absolute privilege to lead such a wonderful, hardworking and dedicated group of people.
6. Are there any positives/new initiatives/processes that you will take from the situation upon a return to a more typical working environment?
Having turned 60 during lockdown (I feel about 32) I can’t wait to get back to the office and work in the way I am most used to. It’s probably a case of not being able to teach old dogs’ new tricks. As much as I love being at home with Dee, my daughter Charlotte-Daisy, her husband David and their daughter Minnie and our youngest son Jacob, I feel I am much more productive if I can get amongst the team and interact with other key people in the business.
7. What measures are you taking to ensure your well-being since working from home?
Routine and staying active are really important. The Cantor of our synagogue has been holding a virtual service every morning for 30 minutes. This, a daily workout and a regular evening walk has resulted in me feeling fit and well…I just hope I can stay that way!.
8. Tell us something about yourself that people may not know
Running a family orientated business is relentless and keeping all stakeholders in the business content is challenging because they are so varied. I feel a huge sense of responsibility in ensuring everyone is properly looked after. Making the right decisions all the time is hugely challenging.
9. Tell us something that makes you feel hopeful…what are you most looking forward to?
I am hopeful that Leeds United will be promoted to the promised land of the premiership and I can’t wait to get on the golf course. All that said the thing I am most looking forward to is being with my 2 older sons Ben and Oliver, their wives Sophia and Monica and our other 3 granddaughters, Annie Luna and Sophie…I have missed them all more than anyone knows
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